Sunday, June 25, 2006

The First American

I have just finished The First American- The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin by H.W.Brands. I have been reading it now bit by bit over the past nine months or so. I have loved learning about this man. From his family history to his scientific/philosophical/political interests. Now that I have reached the end I am moved to tears by how hopeful and tireless B.F. was in creating what he felt was a better world for us it inhabitants. Do such people like him exist today? Self-taught, genius men and women who are by no means perfect, but still inspirational to their fellow human beings? Those that serve tirelessly for the greater good of humankind?

Am I idealizing this man Franklin? Yes, I just finished the book and am coming off its killer last line. With all the apathy in the world today, its good to read about a group of people that wanted to change the world for the better.

If anyone has any other inspirational reads, let me know. I would love to have any suggestions.

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