Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bleeding Hearts

I've just been surfing around and found some links to some old friends of mine...Looking back has made my heart hurt and now I am faced with the realization that I don't really know any of these people anymore. Who have they become? Its been a good 14 years or so... You try to imagine what it would be like if you had taken a different road and all it does is make you weepy and wish you could write poetry... I realize that its not a possibility and thankfully the thought that "im a totally different person now and so are they" comes to mind and I realize that we might not ever have become friends if in different cirumstances. That brings relief. I wish them all well. May God bless them in their lives and with their loved ones and God save me from my arrogance.

Monday, February 20, 2006

I was briefly mentioning to a friend that I was trying to get a handle on meal planning as I am trying to stay within a certain budget for food each month. She said "Oh check out". So I did. Pretty interesting!
After working for eight years, it's really be wierd to be home all day even though I've now got a 13month old running (literally) around. I still haven't gotten a hold on a schedule for myself though I've got the critter on one. I keep thinking that it should be pretty easy as I used to manage projects that were of a fairly large scope. I couldn't figure out how often I should do stuff or sometimes even how. I would call my mom and ask her how often she would do something or talk to my mother in-law. But their advice, though helpful was still not as directive as I would like. This FlyLady thing actually emails me with a list of things to do each day! LOL! So far, so good and I figure that once I get through the cycle, I can fly solo. Its a silly issue to have, but no one actually teaches you how to LIVE your life. You go to school for years to be able to get a job but then you come home and there's all this stuff to do! How often are you supposed to clean the bathroom or change the sheets, etc. You do it, but am I doing it as often as you should? Is there a rule about this? So, I figure I'll try out the FlyLady thing and see how it goes. It seems like it would actually be good for any Beta that is living on their own for the first time as well as the "typical" SAHM/WAHM.

Friday, February 03, 2006


I just read an article on regarding "uproar" over the supposed upcoming Will and Grace episode that Britney Spears is to guest star. Previous news statements have said that she would portray a conservative Christian and would co-host Jack's talk show due to his network being bought out by a Christian network. She was also supposedly going to be a host of a food show called "Cruci'fixin's". NBC now states that in fact the episode hasn't been written and that "erroneous" info was included in the press releases.

What I have to chuckle about is that WE as Christians have TOTALLY asked for this. Having lived in Nashville, TN in the heart of the Christian "ghetto" mentality, I think we deserve to be portrayed that way. Come on, when was that last time you walked into a Lifeway or some such "christian bookstore" and didn't see some goofy product that we are such suckers to buy. I.e. "Testa-Mints". Its enough to make you spew. The fact that society at large has picked up on the fact that we create dumb products like that shouldn't be surprising.

If you want to change how society portrays the faith, than stop consuming products that SAY you are follower of Christ and start SHOWING you are a follower of Christ by actually doing what HE said to do. Not what some "christian" organization says for you to do or think. Make it real.
