Monday, December 04, 2006

Hands Off!

So, my last pregnancy I only had one person chronically rub my belly without asking. This past week, she came up to me and put her arm around me and I saw her hand move in for the rub. I literally grabbed her hand almost crushing it while saying "PLEASE, don't touch my belly." I felt bad but it was like this violent Mama Bear instinct that I've never experienced before. I seriously could have taken her down! It was so fast, and angry. I want to make up a tee-shirt that says, "Please don't pet the belly." I just hope I didn't hurt her hand!

We're Back!

It's been a crazy awesome month! Ads and I were able to go to England for 10 days on spiritual business and 2.5days of sightseeing. We spent an amazing 6 nights with two wonderful, godly people in their home, learning about God, leadership, etc. As well as getting to know God. True spiritual retreat. We then added on 2.5days in London at the end to do a bit of sightseeing in early celebration of our ten year anniversary. ( June 29th) We figured that with baby #2 coming at the end of March we aren't going to be going anywhere for a while!

So I have lots to share and will get around to it eventually! We got home the day before Thanksgiving so its been crazy busy! Plus we found out the sex of the new baby! Im too fragmented right now to try and put it all down! Will write more later!