Friday, May 16, 2008

Im off again!

Little B is running around like crazy, Big E is cracking us up with his observations and the way he's testing his language skills! B is also starting to say "hiiiii", "no" and this past week used the sign for "more" and "thank you" which is soooo much fun to think he's really going to be communicating more!

Today is Ads birthday so while we try to pack the guys up to stay with the in-laws for two weeks, Im also trying to get myself packed and still manage to make a birthday breakfast, dinner and party atmosphere! CRRAZY timing!

Sunday Ads and I are off with 20 others from our church to Israel. Im excited because I don't have a CLUE where we are going. I just get to go along for the ride and observe and soak it in. Im not sure what my expectations are other than the above. Should I really expect to hear more from God there than I do here? I AM looking forward to getting the undivided time alone with Him. Thats been great in the past and Im thankful for the opportunity to have it again in the midst of childrearing chaos!

In other news, Im on Facebook now. What a hoot! Those crazy kids, what will they think up next? JK, I just have a hard enough time keeping this up and trying to do that profile too just adds more stress! We shall see! Im thinking more and more that I will use this as a travel blog. Not necessarily as I travel, but more of when I get back. Or maybe I'll hang this one up and start a new one. who knows. Its been 4.5 months since my last entry so we'll see when the next will be!
peace or as they say where Im headed "Shalom"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Ads! I hope your trip is awesome!