Monday, February 12, 2007

Triscuit Momma

Today was a lazy day. As Im getting my two year old ready for lunch he excitedly points at the Triscuits box cover and shouts "Mommy! Mommy!" Confused I ask him what he wants. "That's Mommy!" he says. Ahhhh...... Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder! So as I sit down for lunch, still in my faded blue bathrobe with the tie just barely wrapped around my 7.5month belly, I smile knowing that I am beautiful in the eyes of my little boy. He thinks Im Rachel Ray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet. :) Hey, sorry I've been totally silent. For some reason I thought your blog was in my RSS reader when it wasn' all this time I've thought you just weren't posting... Sorry!