Friday, February 09, 2007

Cooking While Pregnant

I've been married now for almost 9.5 years and have never made a pot roast. Pot roast is one of my all time favorite dishes. I make my mom make it every time I see her. Anyhow, I've learned that I shouldn't try new things while working with a pregnancy brain. I read and reread the recipe and this morning got up and threw everything in the crockpot as soon as I got up. Very proud of the fact that despite hating cooked carrots and having never eaten a parsnip before, I still included them in my pot roast, confident that I was going to try everything on my plate tonight. Fast forward 8hours and as Im reading the directions for making the gravy ( a first as well) I am shocked to discover that I have left out the onions. sigh...... pot roast with no onions. Gravy with no onions. I thought that was really strange when I was reading the recipe, but whats obviously scary is that when I read it now, it has onions..... freaky.....

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