Saturday, October 27, 2007


I can't remember why I posted that photo of myself on the last entry. I think I was going to try and change out my profile photo and gave up after not being able to figure it out.

I've been thinking about sooo much stuff lately. Reading great books and writing fabulous blog entries... in my head. It amazes me sometimes how articulate I can be, and yet I've never been able to find the best way to get out on the keyboard. Its just stuck or worse it disappears before I get to a computer!

So I'm going to do a brain dump:

Emperor's Children - eh. Borrowed it from my mother and honestly the story didn't do anything for me. I didn't like the characters and either it didn't have a point or I didn't catch it. ( TOTALLY possible, esp with my post-par tum brain )

Eat, Pray, Love -
Ever watch the Food Network and get a serious case of lust? I do every time. " I WILL eat beautiful food " It reminds me of this hysterical NPR interview I hear where the interviewee had written a paper or book on how the Food Network was basically the same as porn. (Rachel Ray=Girl next door, Italian chick = something more exotic, Iron Chef = S&M ) Anyhow, I got a serious case of food and language lust after reading the Italy section in the book. I had a yearning to learn a foreign language and cook with fresh food. Actually I REALLY wanted to learn the monologue of the Italian football fan screaming and cursing. Maybe cussing in Italian would be more appropriate for a Pastor's wife ;)
Second section-"Pray"- I found it to be very inspiring. I realized that for all my faith, I've never read a person's spiritual memoir that wasn't a Christ follower. I'm sure that sounds stupid to people out there, but I really found it refreshing. It really challenged my faith. How can I truly be frustrated about not hearing from God or feeling like I haven't received the "more" I want if I haven't the discipline to sit down and listen? Loved the idea that prayer was is me asking and meditating is me listening.
"Love"- Being very involved with global outreach and learning about serving the indigenous church, I found her interaction with her friend very interesting. Her friend that she helps to buy a home. How often we Americans swoop in and want to fix peoples problems without every considering the implications of that good deed. Thankfully, her situation turns out alright, as far as the reader knows.
Overall great book. I really enjoyed the structure as well, perfect for my fragmented brain. 180 short snippets that I could read one at a time.

hmmmm...lets see what else? Why haven't they created medical practices that include OB/GYN's with pediatricians, Mom physicians, psychiatrists and personal trainers? Basically a one stop shop. But have it be included in the whole pregnancy package. One's weekly pregnancy visits, pediatrician visits, the 6-week check up, any other check up one might need, followed by at least one mental health evaluation, and a fitness plan monitored by mom's physician, personal trainer and dietitian. Just everybody join one practice so that I don't have to try and find a specialist. Just round everybody up and make me an appointment.

I should go, its late. Glad I got some stuff out. peace